DAY 4 - Farm Scale
Learn how practitioners create farms that grow nutritious food and benefit nature & community
4 March 2023
16:00 - 19:00 GMT (London)
17:00 - 20:00 CET (Paris)
18:00 - 21:00 EET (Athens)
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More Details
Day 4 :: Farm Scale
Building on the key concepts of multifunctional design and community resilience, Growing for Others will explore how permaculture practitioners are developing multifunctional, resilient farm livelihoods and enterprises.
Our speakers will show how they are blending approaches like agroforestry, biodynamics, holistic management grazing and a host of other techniques to create farms that grow nutritious food and have many other benefits for nature and community.
Whether you are an aspiring new grower wanting to create your own farm future, or a responsible consumer wanting to support ethical growers, this session will inspire and activate you!
Day 4 :: Programme
PART 1 | 17:00 CET
Perrine Hervé-Gruyer - From microfarms to an ecosystem of farms
Sheila Darmos - How the food market needs to change to accommodate biodiverse farms in transition
Beat Rölli - Transformative permaculture case study
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
PART 2 | 18:45 CET
Alex Tudose - Regenerative market farming in Romania
Matt Swarbrick - Making small farms work: a story of successfully farming with Nature
Murad Alkhufash - Planting seeds of hope in the Occupied Territories (Palestine)
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
Start Times
This evening programme runs for 3 hours and starts at:
16:00 GMT (London / Lisbon)
17:00 CET (Central Europe – Berlin / Paris / Rome)
18:00 CET + 1 (Athens / Helsinki / Kyiv)
If needed, check the map with time zones.