What does my ticket get me?
When you purchase a ticket for the EUPC Forum 2023 you will receive:
- Access to 15hrs of live broadcasting
- Access to the recordings of all live broadcasts for a minimum of 12 months
- Access to our social space on Mighty Networks
These features remain the same regardless of the price of the ticket.
Buy your ticket here.
How do I participate in the live EUPC Forum 2023 event?
The live EUPC Forum 2023 event will mainly take place via the Crowdcast platform that we used to produce the 2021 EUPC event.
To access the live recordings, you will be sent a registration email in the week leading up to the live event. This will include the details you need to access the broadcasts.
Once you register on Crowdcast for the event, you will be taken to the virtual lobby where you can chat with other attendees of the Forum. Each live session is accessible from the lobby and you will be able to watch the recordings immediately afterwards from this space.
Full instructions are available here: https://forum.eupc.community/technical-tips/
How can I watch the recordings of the EUPC Forum 2023?
All recordings of the live broadcasts will be available immediately after the live show finishes on Crowdcast from the virtual lobby area.
We will also aim to make the recordings available from hidden pages of our website within 24hrs of the finish of each session. Recordings will initially be of the whole live event before being broken down into sections with each individual guest.
More instructions available here: https://forum.eupc.community/technical-tips/
Once you have a ticket, you will receive email notifications about these recordings and how to access them.
I am having trouble buying my ticket, can you help me?
Tickets can be bought via:-
Tickets can be paid for via Credit/Debit Card, Paypal or via Bank Transfer/Invoice. They range in price from €15 to €100 and you can ‘pay as you feel’ so choosing any of the available options.
To change to pay via bank transfer, select this option when purchasing your ticket. You will receive an email with bank payment details on. Once you have made your payment and we have confirmed receipt, your ticket purchase will be confirmed.
Any issues with payments or tickets, please email us.
I can't afford a ticket, what are my options?
We have 50 bursary places available that provide access to the event for €0.
Find out more at the bottom of the Tickets Page
Or apply directly via our bursary application form here.
How soon after each broadcast are recordings available?
You can watch recordings back via Crowdcast as soon as they live broadcast is finished. Login details for the event with information on how to access the recordings and suchlike will be sent in the week leading up to it.
Within 24hrs, we are aiming to upload the full recordings on to hidden pages of our website visible only to ticket buyers for the Forum. You will receive details of how to access these later.
We will then also be creating shorter films of each section of each day and making these available to Forum ticket holders.
What is the EUPC Winter Series?
The EUPC Winter Series took place in January and February 2023.
There were initially three 1.5hrs broadcasts made via Zoom with guest speakers, giving a taste of what is to come at the main EUPC Forum. All three broadcasts are available free to view via our website here: https://forum.eupc.community/winter-series/
We will be hosting more Winter Series events later in 2024.
Can I still watch the EUPC 2021 event?
I am having trouble watching the live broadcasts, what can I do?
- To watch the live broadcasts you firstly need to have bought a ticket.
- Once you have bought a ticket, you will be sent an email to register for the live event on Crowdcast on Monday February 27th 2023 (or within 2hrs of buying a ticket on other days). If you did not receive this email, please let us know as soon as possible.
- If you are having trouble navigating within the event or what to do once you have registered, please have a look at our guide.
- If you are having technical issues with viewing or participating in the event, please see our technical tips section.
- Crowdcast also has some great general guidance here.
Can I watch this event with friends? What are my options?
We encourage live group viewings of the EUPC Forum.
If you are planning on a group viewing, do let us know and share images with us from it if you can during the event itself.
You only need one access ticket to view the event with a group but, if doing so, please consider donating more to support the continuation of the EUPC.
Please go here to find out more.
Can I promote my project / brand / organisation at the EUPC?
You can join our partners and sponsors for the event and have your logo and details featured on the live broadcasts, on the website and elsewhere.
Find out more via our Sponsors page.
Alternatively, buy a ticket for the event and share your project or product in the chat of the event on Crowdcast or in our Social Space.
What opportunities are there for meeting others and socialising at the EUPC Forum?
The Permaculture Association is hosting a social space on their Permaculture Community Hub on the Mighty Networks platform. All EUPC Forum attendees will be invited to join the Hub and get involved in the EUPC 2023 channels that we are making available.
There will also be one or two opportunities to socialise live on Zoom during weekend of 4th and 5th of March. Come and meet other permies in a safe, inviting space.
More details to follow…
There was an Open Space programme in 2021, is this still happening?
Due to limited capacity, the Open Space programme will not be happening at the 2023 event. We hope for this to return, however, later in 2023 as part of our community-building plans for the year.
More information to follow…
Why are you using the technology that you are?
When selecting technology to use at this event, we use the following criteria:-
- Ethics
- Affordability
- Accessibility
- Practicality
For us, it’s essential that the user experience of the technology we choose is as smooth as possible. Similarly, as a group of permaculture enthusiasts, we do not have all the technical skills required to use some software and have to select what best works with our skill set. Finally, affordability is essential so that, in turn, we can keep the event accessible to as many as possible across Europe no matter what their financial circumstance.
More to follow…

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Thank you very much for your interest in the EUPC Forum.
We have collected frequently asked questions about the forum. In case you encounter a problem we have not mentioned, please don’t hesitate to contact us under info@eupc.community or our contact form. We intend to be able to respond to you within 24hrs.