Alex TudoseFarm Manager  | Ana DigónCommunicator and Regenerative Event Organiser  | Andy GoldringCEO Permaculture Association (Britain)  | Beat RölliBiologist, Permaculture Designer, Farmer  | Charlie GrayEthnobotanist, Food Systems Designer, Seed Steward  | Charlotte KottuschResearch Assistant/VFPC Speaker  | Graham BurnettPositive solutions for regenerative futures  | India HamiltonRegenerative designer and entrepreneur  | Iris KunzeGeographer, expert on intentional communities  | Iryna KazakovaProject coordinator at NGO Permaculture in Ukraine  | Jóvenes en PermaculturaFeaturing Auba Riera & Eddie Brown  | Julie MathesJournalist focusing on environmental issues  | Jyoti FernandesFarmer and land rights activist  | La BolinaEcological, regenerative and intercultural association  | Mark Ridsdill SmithContainer gardener, author and teacher  | Matt SwarbrickOptimist and Tea Maker at Henbant  | Matteo MazzolaRegenerative farmer, consultant and educator  |
Morag GambleFounder, presenter and educator  | Murad AlkhufashMarda Permaculture Farm founder  | Pat MooneyAuthority on issues of global governance, corporate concentration, and intellectual property monopoly  | Pavlo ArdanovResearcher and lecturer. Co-founder of NGO Permaculture in Ukraine  | PermaMedPermaculture educators and practitioners  | Permayouth Hubs UgandaFeaturing Brenda Nakafeero & Rolande Ansima Casinga  | Perrine Hervé-GruyerPermaculture and agroecology consultant  | Peter BrooksSpatial researcher  | Pippa ChapmanBackyard forest gardener  | Precious PhiriSmallholder farmer, regenerative agriculture practitioner and trainer  | Rob HopkinsFounder of the Transition movement.  | Sheila DarmosAdvocate for Regenerative Farming  | Stephanie HaffertyGarden writer, consultant and designer  | Steve CharterFunding Coordinator PAB, iACT Project Lead  | Suzy RussellSupporting and promoting Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in the UK  | Valerie SeitzOrganizing the transformation as a trainer, project developer and designer  | |