Day 1 - Food Systems
1 March 2023
18:00 - 21:00 GMT (London)
19:00 - 22:00 CET (Paris)
20:00 - 23:00 EET (Athens)
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Day 1 :: Food Systems
The food system is complex and under pressure like never before. Very different ideas about the future of food are emerging and we need to give as much energy and support to the Earth Care, People Care, Fair Shares version as possible.
Do we want a food system dominated by a small number of global corporations, or a more localised future, with a diversity of people and approaches involved? What kind of growing systems can meet our needs, enhance biodiversity and tackle climate change? How can we support the future we want with our actions and our money? Does permaculture and alike taste better?
Come along to explore these and many other questions with our inspiring and knowledgeable speakers, bring your own questions and share your ideas and projects in the Community Forum.
Day 1 :: Programme
PART 1 | 19:00 CET
Pat Mooney - Transition to sustainable food systems around the world
Ana Digón - The 7M's of food system regeneration - the Spanish case
Precious Phiri - Food systems and regeneration in Africa: women, wisdom sharing and abundance
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
PART 2 | 20:50 CET
Peter Brooks - Chicken Shit - Cachu Iar
India Hamilton - Systemic modelling for food hubs
Graham Burnett - Vegan permaculture - Design strategies for a compassionate future
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
Start Times
This evening programme runs for 3 hours and starts at:
18:00 GMT (London / Lisbon)
19:00 CET (Central Europe – Berlin / Paris / Rome)
20:00 CET + 1 (Athens / Helsinki / Kyiv)
If needed, check the map with time zones.