Graham Burnett
1 March 2023
18:00 - 21:00 GMT (London)
19:00 - 22:00 CET (Paris)
20:00 - 23:00 EET (Athens)
Day 1 Programme

Vegan permaculture - Design strategies for a compassionate future
:: system change :: radical agriculture :: alternative proteins ::
The easy availability of highly-processed plant-based options such as the Impossible Burger is welcomed by many vegans. But are such 'green capitalist' products truly 'cruelty-free', or do we need a total reinvention of our food systems informed by a vision of a radical agriculture?
More Details
Graham has been teaching permaculture since 1998, is a holder of the Diploma in Permaculture Design and author of Permaculture A Beginner’s Guide and the Vegan Book of Permaculture. He runs Spiralseed, an ethical venture working in partnership with others who share concerns around social environmental justice. He has been vegetarian since 1977 and vegan since 1984.