DAY 5 - Future Care
Weaving together our learning into actions for a healthy food future
5 March 2023
16:00 - 19:00 GMT (London)
17:00 - 20:00 CET (Paris)
18:00 - 21:00 EET (Athens)
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More Details
Day 5 :: Future Care
The last session of this year’s European Permaculture Community Forum will weave together different strands from our learning into a tapestry of options and actions we can all take for a healthy food future.
How can we support young people and underrepresented groups to get into farming and growing? What projects are happening to share learning and develop permaculture networks? How do we prepare for the challenges of climate change? How can we link to other groups and networks with similar aims and visions for an Earth Care, People Care, Fair Shares future?
Lots of questions, and many more answers. Join us and share your plans, or discover your own next step with help from a brilliant lineup of speakers and practitioners!
Day 5 :: Programme
PART 1 | 17:00 CET
Rob Hopkins - Why we need to reclaim the impossible and become better time travellers
Jyoti Fernandes - The role of La Via Campesina in scaling up agroecology
Charlotte Kottusch - Towards urban food democracy - the Vienna Food Policy Council and the WeltTellerFeld project
Julie Mathes - Permaculture projects in Luxembourg
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
PART 2 | 18:50 CET
Morag Gamble - Myceliating permaculture [pr]activism
Jóvenes en Permacultura - Youth in Permaculture Mallorca creating roots
Followed by panel featuring Permayouth Hubs Uganda and Q&A from the audience
Start Times
This evening programme runs for 3 hours and starts at:
16:00 GMT (London / Lisbon)
17:00 CET (Central Europe – Berlin / Paris / Rome)
18:00 CET + 1 (Athens / Helsinki / Kyiv)
If needed, check the map with time zones.