DAY 2 - Garden Scale
Creating beautiful and productive growing spaces with permaculture
2 March 2023
18:00 - 21:00 GMT (London)
19:00 - 22:00 CET (Paris)
20:00 - 23:00 EET (Athens)
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Day 2 :: Garden Scale
Growing our own food can be satisfying and enjoyable, as well as very productive. For many it is the only way to make ends meet. Permaculture helps us design multifunctional gardens that can be biodiverse, beautiful and resilient to a changing climate.
Whether you have, or not, a garden, allotment, balcony, huerta or smallholding, this session will share some brilliant ideas for you to take away and apply. If you haven’t started growing yet, come along and be inspired by what you can do in even the smallest spaces!
Day 2 :: Programme
PART 1 | 19:00 CET
PermaMed - Permaculture gardening for everyone - Ethics, principles and cycles
Pippa Chapman - Forest gardening in small spaces
Pavlo Ardanov - Polyculture design tool for vegetables that combines rule-based and evidence-based approaches
Mark Ridsdill Smith - The potential of food growing in small spaces to change our cities
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
PART 2 | 21:00 CET
Iryna Kazakova - Green Road of Ecovillages - Eco-communities that feed and protect
Stephanie Hafferty - A short introduction to no dig gardening
Followed by panel and Q&A from the audience
Start Times
This evening programme runs for 3 hours and starts at:
18:00 GMT (London / Lisbon)
19:00 CET (Central Europe – Berlin / Paris / Rome)
20:00 CET + 1 (Athens / Helsinki / Kyiv)
If needed, check the map with time zones.