Alex TudoseFarm Manager
Alex Tudose
Ana DigónCommunicator and Regenerative Event Organiser
Ana Digón
Andy GoldringCEO Permaculture Association (Britain)
Andy Goldring
Beat RölliBiologist, Permaculture Designer, Farmer
Beat Rölli
Charlie GrayEthnobotanist, Food Systems Designer, Seed Steward
Charlie Gray
Charlotte KottuschResearch Assistant/VFPC Speaker
Charlotte Kottusch
Graham BurnettPositive solutions for regenerative futures
Graham Burnett
India HamiltonRegenerative designer and entrepreneur
India Hamilton
Iris KunzeGeographer, expert on intentional communities
Iris Kunze
Iryna KazakovaProject coordinator at NGO Permaculture in Ukraine
Iryna Kazakova
Jóvenes en PermaculturaFeaturing Auba Riera & Eddie Brown
Jóvenes en Permacultura
Julie MathesJournalist focusing on environmental issues
Julie Mathes
Jyoti FernandesFarmer and land rights activist
Jyoti Fernandes
La BolinaEcological, regenerative and intercultural association
La Bolina
Mark Ridsdill SmithContainer gardener, author and teacher
Mark Ridsdill Smith
Matt SwarbrickOptimist and Tea Maker at Henbant
Matt Swarbrick
Matteo MazzolaRegenerative farmer, consultant and educator
Matteo Mazzola
Morag GambleFounder, presenter and educator
Morag Gamble
Murad AlkhufashMarda Permaculture Farm founder
Murad Alkhufash
Pat MooneyAuthority on issues of global governance, corporate concentration, and intellectual property monopoly
Pat Mooney
Pavlo ArdanovResearcher and lecturer. Co-founder of NGO Permaculture in Ukraine
Pavlo Ardanov
PermaMedPermaculture educators and practitioners
Permayouth Hubs UgandaFeaturing Brenda Nakafeero & Rolande Ansima Casinga
Permayouth Hubs Uganda
Perrine Hervé-GruyerPermaculture and agroecology consultant
Perrine Hervé-Gruyer
Peter BrooksSpatial researcher
Peter Brooks
Pippa ChapmanBackyard forest gardener
Pippa Chapman
Precious PhiriSmallholder farmer, regenerative agriculture practitioner and trainer
Precious Phiri
Rob HopkinsFounder of the Transition movement.
Rob Hopkins
Sheila DarmosAdvocate for Regenerative Farming
Sheila Darmos
Stephanie HaffertyGarden writer, consultant and designer
Stephanie Hafferty
Steve CharterFunding Coordinator PAB, iACT Project Lead
Steve Charter
Suzy RussellSupporting and promoting Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in the UK
Suzy Russell
Valerie SeitzOrganizing the transformation as a trainer, project developer and designer
Valerie Seitz
Stephanie Hafferty
Stephanie Hafferty

Stephanie Hafferty

Garden writer, consultant and designer

A short introduction to no dig gardening

2 March 2023
18:00 - 21:00 GMT (London)
19:00 - 22:00 CET (Paris)
20:00 - 23:00 EET (Athens)
Day 2 Programme

Stephanie Hafferty
Day 1 - Food Systems
Day 1 - Food Systems
DAY 2 - Garden Scale
DAY 2 - Garden Scale
DAY 3 - Community Scale
DAY 3 - Community Scale
DAY 4 - Farm Scale
DAY 4 - Farm Scale
DAY 5 - Future Care
DAY 5 - Future Care
Stephanie Hafferty

More Details

Stephanie Hafferty is an award winning garden and food writer, garden consultant, garden designer and no dig organic gardener with over 30 years practical experience of growing food year round, affordably. A leading expert in no dig gardening in the UK, she has worked as a professional no dig gardener for 15 years including on market gardens and running kitchen gardens on private estates, for restaurants and community projects. She runs no dig courses from her new homestead in Wales.

The author of two books published by Permanent Publications - the best selling No Dig Organic Home and Garden and plant based recipe book The Creative Kitchen - Stephanie works as a freelance writer for national and international publications including Permaculture Magazine, Kitchen Garden Magazine, Gardeners’ World Magazine and Bloom.

Known for her practical, informative, friendly and down to earth gardening, Stephanie started to learn how to grow food year round whilst raising three children on her own, on a tiny income. She shares information on social media and her new You Tube channel.

Stephanie is a small scale homesteader, using self sufficiency skills to grow food year round and create seasonal meals, drinks, body care, herbal remedies, homecare products and natural dyes using homegrown and foraged ingredients. In 2021 she moved from Somerset to Wales and started a new homestead on half an acre, entirely using no dig methods and on a tight budget, which was featured on BBC Gardeners’ World in December 2022.

An experienced public speaker and event host, she gives talks and workshops in the UK and abroad, with topics including no dig gardening, sustainable growing, wildlife gardening and homesteading. In 2021 she project managed and co-designed the RHS No Dig Allotment Demonstration Garden at RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival, showcasing permaculture and no dig techniques to a wide audience.