Iris Kunze
Growing & sharing food in ecovillages
3 March 2023
16:00 - 19:00 GMT (London)
17:00 - 20:00 CET (Paris)
18:00 - 21:00 EET (Athens)
Day 3 Programme

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The community vision in terms of food production is to develop a conscious consuming: the idea is thus to increase awareness of the impact of purchasing decisions on the environment and society in general. It is partly based on self-sufficiency on various products.
Several agricultural activities are held in Sieben Linden in that sense, with cultivation of around 2.5 hectares of gardens to provide the community with vegetables, fruits and aromatics.
A community garden has been created for local production: around 1 hectare (the area will be extended in the next months) are cultivated to provide vegetables for the community and guests. 4 employees and several volunteers work all year in the garden, they are regularly helped by other community members and volunteers when needed.
3 greenhouses (with an area of around 350m²) enable the production of vegetables which need hot temperatures during the summer: tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, peppers and eggplants and the production of seedlings.
In total, around 50 different plants are cultivated every year in the community garden, using ecological methods and trying to reduce the use of tractors.