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Day 2 :: Everyone Gardens
Gardens and gardeners are everywhere; from urban balconies and lots, to suburban backyards, we explore how permaculture principles and whole systems thinking bring us abundant, resilient food gardens and forests, while regenerating ecosystems, small and large, that nurture us and our communities. With practical examples from the permaculture gardens of Europe, we connect and celebrate “Everyone Gardens”.
Day 2 :: Programme
Julia S, Leonie W-W, Ann D | Growing edible cities
Susannah Hall | Permablitz London
Paul de Graaf | Rotterdam Forest Garden Network
Eulàlia Matí | Permacultural Nursery & Lighthouse
Juan Pedro Franco | Model of localized resilience
Alfréd Szilágyi | Ecosystem services of permaculture farms
Silvia Floresta | Permaculture gardens & policultures
Graham Bell | The oldest forest garden in Britain